
Re: "Undocumented feature" of Encode::{en,de}code()

2004-12-16 18:30:09
Gisle Aas <gisle(_at_)ActiveState(_dot_)com> [16-12-2004 15:48]:
Radoslaw Zielinski <radek(_at_)karnet(_dot_)pl> writes:
What's the point of lines 151 and 167 in  Respectively:
    $_[1] = $string if $check;
This problem is fixed in Encode-2.0901 by the patch found at

Uh, thanks.  I should have checked the rt queue.

PS  Dan, would you mind adding some kind of copyright statement in the
    next release?  I need to put something in the RPM's License field.
    Thanks in advance.
Radosław Zieliński <radek(_at_)karnet(_dot_)pl>
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