
Re: how to convet unicode to big5 chinese char in perl

2005-10-14 16:21:19

benny(_dot_)hui(_at_)monsterfirst(_dot_)com said:
I got the unicode of the chinese char, like \x{4E2D}or 中 and I
world like to print in dos. But I find in chinese dos I only can use the
big5 code to print out the chinese char. Like print "\x{A4}\x{A4}" how
can I encode the 4e2d to a4a4, I try to use encode(big5 $string) but it
not work. 

"big5" might not be the right name for the encoding that you want.  On my 
system (freebsd, perl 5.8.7), the choices for big5 Chinese are:


(there's also euc-cn, gb2312-raw, gb12345-raw and cp936, but if I recall 
right, these are all GB-based).

If you were to show us a brief piece of code that you've tried, we would be
able to point directly to what you did wrong.  For example, here is a small
piece of code that will run as-is, and should produce the result you are
looking for.  (If it doesn't, try putting different character-set names
inside the single-quotes.)

use Encode;

$utf8char = "\x{4e2d}";
$doschar = encode( 'big5-eten', $utf8char );

print "\n $doschar\n";

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