
Re: Bug in Encode::encode('MIME-Q', $iso_8859_1_string)

2005-12-20 03:20:25
John Delacour wrote:
At 3:54 pm +0100 23/11/05, Sven Neuhaus wrote:

this seems to be a bug:

perl -MHTML::Entities -MEncode -e '$a="abcÄ";
print encode("MIME-Q", HTML::Entities::decode($a)), "\n";'


What about this:

     perl -MHTML::Entities -MEncode -e 'use encoding ("iso-8859-1");
     $a = "abc&Auml"; print encode "MIME-Q", decode_entities $a . $/'


I don't want to use encoding iso-8859-1... Can't the encode function just
recognize the string charset (UTF-8 or not)? That would be The Right Thing.


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