
Re: Win32 *W functions and old -C behavior

2006-11-01 09:54:45
Marvin Humphrey <marvin(_at_)rectangular(_dot_)com> wrote:

Thanks, I've finished reading this and good solution, perfectly
backwards compatible and, once again not counting UTF-8 flag
bug, almost same as were provided with -C is mentioned in
that thread several times: use only UTF-8 in arguments.
As long as OS provides calls that understnad Unicode - use
them (converting to system's Unicode representation, of
course), otherwise fall back to current behavior and let user
deal with this problem. Systems that do not support
reliable environment (fs/locale/etc) independent working
Unicode calls will remain broken in exactly same way as
they are now (and if programmers use some workarounds
in their Perl programs they will continue to work in
exactly same way) and OSes that do support Unicode will
get functionality they deserve. It is the way it works
for many other features that are in core, but unavailable
on some systems and it is how it must work with Unicode
in file names.

Oleg "Rowaa[SR13]" V. Volkov

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