E R skribis 2007-10-15 16:25 (-0500):
1. What is the result of Encode::encode("iso-8559-1", $x) if $x is not
a utf8 string (i.e. Encode::is_utf8($x) returns false.)
"utf8 string" is already confusing. It can be either one of the
1. byte string with UTF8 encoded text
2. Perl Unicode string that at this point in time is encoded as UTF8
Encode::is_utf8 indicates that the latter is true. You should NOT have
to peek at the status of this internal flag, except for debugging perl
Encode::encode expects a Unicode string, which can be encoded as
ISO-8859-1 or UTF8 internally. If the Unicode string is ISO-8859-1
internally, is_utf8 returns false, and if it is UTF8 internally, it
returns true.
This is how Encode::encode knows, again: *internally*, how to convert
the string.
Assuming you meant 8859, not 8559, the answer to your question is: a
copy of $x is returned, because the encoding you used happens to equal
the encoding that Perl used internally.
2. What is the result of $string = decode("iso-8859-1", $octets) if
$octets is a utf8 string?
Do not use Encode::decode on unicode strings, but use it on bytestrings
only. Every individual byte of the bytestring is seen as a single
ISO-8859-1 character, so a multi-byte UTF8 sequence will *not* be
interpreted as a single character.
Perhaps helpful: http://tnx.nl/perlunitut,perlunifaq
Met vriendelijke groet, Kind regards, Korajn salutojn,
Juerd Waalboer: Perl hacker <#####(_at_)juerd(_dot_)nl>
Convolution: ICT solutions and consultancy