
Re: Explaining this behavior (was Re: good name for characters matching [^\0-\377]?)

2007-10-22 05:02:26
On 10/19/07, Juerd Waalboer <juerd(_at_)convolution(_dot_)nl> wrote:
E R skribis 2007-10-19 17:14 (-0500):
So it seems that in light of this one should always use Encode::encode with
these modules to ensure the data is represented the way you want it.

Encode::encode, Encode::encode_utf8, or utf8::encode.

So this raises another interesting point... not only must
Encode::encode et al. perform the proper encoding (as in translations
to character ordinals), but they also must return a Perl string whose
internal representation is, shall we say, the "conventional" one, i.e.
one octet per Perl character.

I'm sure this is already well understood, but it is interesting to
come to this conclusion.