
Re: Use case for utf8::upgrade?

2010-04-07 10:54:16
Am 07.04.2010 um 17:42 schrieb Aristotle Pagaltzis:

* Michael Ludwig <michael(_dot_)ludwig(_at_)xing(_dot_)com> [2010-04-07 

• utf8::upgrade before doing lc/lcfirst/uc
• utf8::upgrade before doing case insensitive matching
• utf8::upgrade before matching predefined character classes
 like w and s

Can anyone enlighten me on the background of using
utf8::upgrade here?

Perl versions up to the upcoming 5.12.0 (I think) are buggy in
that they apply ISO-8859-1 semantics to downgraded strings and
Unicode semantics to upgraded strings, even when they contain the
same data. By upgrading your strings, you make sure that you get
Unicode semantics consistently.

Thanks, Aristotle - that makes sense to me.

Michael.Ludwig (#)

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