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Mailing List Spams

1996-03-04 12:55:49

        I've noticed --- with some alarm --- at the increase
        in the number of forged subscribe requests to mailing
        lists, over the last year.


        Does anybody know of a method to prevent a mailbox 
        from being deluged by mail from a mailing list, 
        when the recipient is a victim of such an attack,
        and still have that address accept mail from 
        mailing lists that they want to be subscribed to,
        and also from freinds, neighbours and other people
        with _useful/interesting_  things to tell them.

        IOW, a way to set thing sup, before the deluge comes
        in, not afterwards.  << I just write a procmail recipe
        afterwards, but what about before.  >>

        Related Question:

        Since autoresponders are the norm now, is their anyway
        to ensure that one's autoresponder isn't being used
        to mailbomb another person?  << A form of mail bombing
        attack that occured to me when I read a subscribe
        message to my mailing list, and then a request for a
        file that is delivered by my autoresponder.  >>



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