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Not solved, but worked around (was What's wrong...)

1996-03-08 14:56:52
This recipe failed to run the pipe even though all
patterns matched (as verified by the verbose output):

:0 hc
* ^TOnetcom
* !^X-Loop: lee(_at_)piclab(_dot_)com
| ( formail -r -A"Precedence: junk" -A"X-Loop: lee(_at_)piclab(_dot_)com"; 
touch $HOME/reply.sent; cat $HOME/netcom.msg ) | $SENDMAIL -oi -t

By putting the pipe into a shell script, and invoking the
shell script from .procmailrc (so no "SHELLMETAS" characters
were present), it works great.  As written above, it fails
without any notice.  I had SHELL set correctly to my Korn
shell, which accepts the -c syntax.  Very curious, but since
I found the workaround, I will settle for remaining curious.

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