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Boolean usage

1996-03-20 05:22:30

        Some friendly soul wrote an article about procmails Boolean
        usage a week or 2 ago...happened as usual, glanced at it, thought 
        "I'll never need that stuff", deleted the message and a few days 
        later ran into problems :-)

        How to make an OR-recipe?
        So a forwarding/formatting recipe accepts mail which was sent 
        "To: alias1(_at_)site" or "Cc: alias1(_at_)site" or both of them and 
        proceeds {-}.

        This recipe

        * ^To(_dot_)*alias1(_at_)site
        * ^Cc(_dot_)*alias1(_at_)site

        does not work like I described above, this is more like AND (or 
        is it :) Both lines must match before action is taken.
        Sorry for the waste of bandwith again :-)

        (Btw, if that procmail-book comes out some day, I'll buy one.)

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