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Re: "auto-antwort" moeglich ?

1996-03-20 13:31:05
From: dman(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com (Dallman Ross)

Here is a simple example for doing what you want, mostly plagiarized
from "man procmailex":

        :0 h c
          * !^FROM_DAEMON
          * !^X-Loop: your(_at_)own(_dot_)mail(_dot_)address
          | (formail -r -A"Precedence: junk" \
              -A"X-Loop: your(_at_)own(_dot_)mail(_dot_)address" ; \
             cat path/yourfile) | $SENDMAIL -t

I was typing too fast and forgot to insert the "Subject:"-filter.

          :0 h c
           * Subject: +expected text
           * !^FROM_DAEMON
           * !^X-Loop: your(_at_)own(_dot_)mail(_dot_)address
           | (formail -r -A"Precedence: junk" \
               -A"X-Loop: your(_at_)own(_dot_)mail(_dot_)address" ; \
              cat path/yourfile) | $SENDMAIL -t

  __                               ___               dman(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com 
 (/ \  _   /) /) _ _ _  _    _    (/__) _   _   _    1 (510) 645-1883 
 /`  )(_(_( _(__/|/|/(_(_(_/| (   / (  (_)_/_)_/_)_  350 Perkins St., #108 
(___/                          ` (   \               Oakland, CA 94610-3422

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