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Re: [HELP:] Save and execute

1996-04-12 12:56:46
Philip Guenther wrote:

Sergei Senin <ss(_at_)ee(_dot_)port(_dot_)ac(_dot_)uk> writes:
What I'm trying to do is 1)to save mail coming from a certain address 
xx(_at_)domain into a folder 2)to execute a programme: 
some_programme -infile yyy -outfile zzz, input file can't be read in any 
other way than as with an option keyword 'infile' (i.e, one can't cat and 
pipe it to 'some_programme')

# Matching on Return-Path: may be better.
:0 c:
* From: (_dot_)*xxx(_at_)domain

# You probably need a local lockfile
:0 A:/tmp/lock.some_programme
|cat >/tmp/tmp.$$.; some_programme -infile /tmp/tmp.$$. -outfile whatever; \
      rm /tmp/tmp.$$.; \
      echo "Fix your stupid program" | Mail -s "bug report" 

Wouldn't something like the following work?  I've used the "tee"
trick to save input while debugging an auto-reply game, although
its output went into a pipe to a shell script:

# Matching on Return-Path: may be better.
#    (ok, why?  :)
:0: some-lock-file
* From: (_dot_)*xxx(_at_)domain
|tee -a folder >/tmp/tmp.$$.; \
        some_programme -infile /tmp/tmp.$$. -outfile whatever; \
        rm /tmp/tmp.$$.; \
        echo "Fix your stupid program" | Mail -s "bug report" 

(Not sure how the bug report fits in with the original request, but
I left it there.  Oh, wait a minute, I think it's humor... well,
sometimes people can't fix the software they're forced to use.)

Stan Ryckman (stanr(_at_)tiac(_dot_)net)

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