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Re: Need Help with Message Body Filtering using AND/OR, Nested If conditions *SOS*

1996-04-26 16:35:50
I am new to procmail and would appreciate if anyone can
help me with real code of .procmailrc for the following example:

In message body search for :
search for the word Item
if found
      search for the word TV or VCR
         if found
            search for the word price or pricing
               if found
                  put the message in the folder tv-vcr-rice
       elseif search for the word radio
          if found 
             write the message to folder radio

It's pretty simple:

    :0 B
    * Item
        :0 B
        * (TV|VCR)
            :0 B
            * pric(e|ing)
        :0 EB
        * radio

However, this may not be stringent enough.  What if I sent the following

    From: me
    To: you
    Subject: Re: your procmail recipe which is broken

    I noticed that your procmail recipe includes all messages with the
    words "Item", "VCR", "TV", "price", "pricing", or "radio", even if
    they are in quotes.

    This makes it difficult to figure out where to file mail like this
    which is a discussion.


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