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Re: Formail

1996-04-28 20:11:16
On Sun, 28 Apr 1996, Patricia Buchanan wrote:

Greg, Phil and others:

  Hopefully someone is out there today.  I guess that the mail list 
doesn't work on Sundays.

It was to nice a day to spend indoors at the PC.  :-)
  I have almost got the autoresponder working.  I found the problem of 
{formail which was changed to (formail.   I now get the message of 
"command formail not found" in my Log file.  Is there something that I am 
suppose to define?  

  Formail is located in /usr/local/bin on my system.   

Your problem is that Procmail does not know where the program formail is 
actually located - unless you it in your MAILDIR.  There are a couple of 
ways of telling procmail this information.

Easiest is to set formail as a variable like so:


and then just call it as $FORMAIL.

Another method is to set a PATH statement that includes the directory 
where formail is located.  This is a good thing to do anyway if you use 
commands other than the shell builtins.


Or, you can always call formail as /usr/local/bin/formail.

Dammit, how many times do I have to tell you? FIRST you rape, THEN you pillage!!

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