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Re: Match senders' names from a file

1996-05-17 07:44:41
Edna Cheng <edna(_at_)st(_dot_)com(_dot_)sg> writes:
I'm new to procmail and have it installed on Digital UNIX with 
sendmail, and is working at least for simple mail filtering and 
forwarding. I need to filter mails from a list of senders whose names 
are stored in a file. I copied the script from procmailex example :

URGMATCH=`cat $HOME/.urgent`

:0 B:
* $^From:.*${URGMATCH}

I'm sure the address matches, but it doesn't work. The log writes 
No match on "^From(_dot_)*name(_at_)somewhere
Folder: **Bounced**"

Have I missed out anything?

The file $HOME/.urgent needs to contain a regular expression for all the
addresses, i.e., something like:


all on one line.  If you _do_ do that, then you need parens in the recipe:

:0 B:
* $ ^From:.*(${URGMATCH})

If you want the $HOME/.urgent file to just contain one address per
line, then you have to use something like sed, perl or awk instead of

URGMATCH=`perl -p -0377 -e 's:\n*$::;s:\n+:|:g;s:\.:\\.:g' $HOME/.urgent`
URGMATCH=`sed -e ':t' -e N -e 's:\n:|:g' -e '$!bt' -e 's:\.:\\.:g' 
URGMATCH=`awk -F. '{ if (NR > 1) { buf = buf "|" $1 } else { buf = $1 } for (i 
= 2; i <= NF; i++) buf = buf "\\." $i;} END { print buf }' $HOME/.urgent`

Take your pick (I'd put _less_ whitespace in the awk version, but I don't
trust awk's lexer).

Philip Guenther

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