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Re: procmail question

1996-06-28 20:05:07
wao(_at_)aluxs(_dot_)att(_dot_)com (W. Oswald) writes:
What recipe will process a mail message and also pass the mail to my
inbox as if untouched by procmail?

Just add the 'c' flag to whatever recipe you have in mind:

:0 c
* some condition on this recipe

If what you have in mind will take several recipes do accomplish, wrap
them all in a nested block with the 'c' flag on it:

:0 c
   # Several recipes go here.

   # They will be processed in a cloned procmail process,
   # the parent of which (namely, the original process),
   # will continue starting at the close brace, and acting
   # as if the block didn't even exist.  If there's no
   # delivering recipes after that brace, then it'll deliver
   # its copy of the mail to $DEFAULT, which should be your
   # normal inbox.

   # Meanwhile, the clone will be processing the recipes in the block.
   # You almost certainly to make sure there's a delivering recipe
   # at the end of the block, as if there isn't, it'll keep going
   # right off the end, and you'll get a duplicate message.

   # If you're not sure what a delivering recipe is, read the beginning
   # of the procmailrc(5) manpage.

Philip Guenther

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