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Re: generating Resent-Date:

1996-08-23 21:16:50
I asked,

| > Is there a way to get formail to add a Resent-Date: header containing the
| > current timestamp?

Alan Stebbens suggested,

|     :0fh
|     | formail -I"Resent-Date: `date`"

Yes, Alan, of course, and thank you for trying to help.  It's my fault for
not being clearer.

Let me try again.  Can formail figure out the timestamp on its own without
needing help from an outside program like date?  Does formail know the
current time?  (Procmail must, because it can update the From_ line with the
-f- option.)

`date` doesn't produce the same format as that in most Date: headers, but
(1) it probably doesn't have to be exactly the same because it's just text
once it goes out and (2) I can always massage the format options of date to
get output in the standard syntax of Date: headers.  But is there a way to do
it with only one program instead of two?

I wonder if, having just then updated the From_ line's time with procmail's
-f- facility, I can take that whole and safely stuff it into the Resent-Date:
header.  Would that be safe?  Dang, it wouldn't have a time zone.  Feh.  I
could extract the time zone from the topmost Received: header, I guess.

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