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Re: Extracting a word from the Subject Line

1996-09-10 17:26:42
"VP" == Virtual Planet <Campus(_at_)Horizons(_dot_)Org> writes:

    VP> KEYWORD = `formail -x Subject|sed '???'`

    VP> that $KEYWORD will equal "#1234xxx" or better yet,
    VP> $KEYWORD will equal "1234xxx" (without the "#" trigger)

How about trying:

        KEYWORD=`formail -x Subject | sed -e 's/^.*#//`

That should chop off everything from the beginning through the '#'.

__  _ ________
| \/ \ /|_ |_/  "There is no god but caffeine, and Java is its Prophet."
|_/\_//_|__| \  "Hey! It compiles! Ship it!"

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