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EVERY ONE, please help!!!!

1996-09-26 01:13:15
On Tue, 24 Sep 1996, Jesper Pedersen wrote:

The message below, which I sent a few day ago, did not give any response
from any of you. By that reason, I'll try to describe the matter a bit

To create a module for procmail in the Dotfile Generator, I need, some
examples of things which can be done with procmail. That's basicly:

1) examples of different conditions IE:
   - size of letter > 1000K
   - subject "hello world", and letter from people in US.

2) examples of actions:
   - send letter to someone, with "Check this out" appended to the letter
   - pipe letter through a filter, which removes mime

I Do not need answers to the above, they were just examples.
so if you've done anything else than just sorting mail into different
folders based on the sender, PLEASE do send me your .procmail file!!!!

Kind Regards Jesper.

Here's my former letter.
Hi I've created a configuration tool, for configuration different 
programs using X11 widgets (so far modules exists for configuring bash, 
emacs, fvwm, rtin and tcsh)

Now I would like to create a module for configuration of  procmail!
By that reason I will ask all of you procmail gurus to send me some 
examples of different things procmail scripts can do!

Please mail it to blackie(_at_)imada(_dot_)ou(_dot_)dk
with subject *procmail script*

Kind Regards Jesper Pdersen, and thanks in advance.

Do you need help with configuring those awful dot files?
Please consult 
             _       _    __ _ _
          __| | ___ | |_ / _(_) | ___
  _____  / _` |/ _ \| __| |_| | |/ _ \  _
 / ____|| (_| | (_) | |_|  _| | |  __/ | |
| |  __(_)__,_|\___/ \__|_| |_|_|\___| | |_  ___   _ __
| | |_ | / _ \| '_ \  / _ \| '__|/ _` || __|/ _ \ | '__|
| |__| ||  __/| | | ||  __/| |  | (_| || |_| (_) || |
 \_____| \___||_| |_| \___||_|   \__,_| \__|\___/ |_|

help is avilable for bash, emacs, fvwm, rtin and tcsh.

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  • Need examples., Jesper Pedersen
    • EVERY ONE, please help!!!!, Jesper Pedersen <=