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Re: running limited set of commands

1996-10-03 09:52:56
On Thu, 3 Oct 1996 10:29:29 -0500 (CDT),
dattier(_at_)wwa(_dot_)com (David W. Tamkin) wrote:
That way during those recipes in the middle procmail (and any shell it
invokes; be sure that $SHELL is defined by a full path) can run only the
programs that have links in $HOME/safelinks/.  Any attempts to run any
other executables will fail.

Assuming, of course, that you remember to first remove any leading
pathname from the command that will be executed. Otherwise you will
have people executing /bin/rm after all (which is what I'd be doing
anyway if I wanted to be malicious). 
  Ftp servers get around this by doing a chroot but you need root
permissions for that. 

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