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Re: recipe help: to me OR to ONE list (should be simple)

1996-10-16 10:45:50
  > On Mon, 14 Oct 1996, Alan K. Stebbens wrote:
  > > If A is a nested block or a complex action, then this recipe is really
  > > unwieldy, and the following pattern is better:
  > > 
  > >   :0
  > >   * !P
  > >   * !Q
  > >   * !R
  > >   * !S
  > >   {}

BTW, I wrote the lines above, and the syntax "{}" is *NOT* recognized by
procmail as being an empty condition block.  The correct syntax is "{ }".
Thanks to David Tamkin for pointing this out.

  > >   :0 E
  > >   A
  >     what if I want to match against a list of
  >     names say:
  >     :0
  >     * ^from.*aaa
  >     * ^from.*bbb
  >     * ^from.*ccc
  >     * ^from.*ddd
  >     * ^from.*eee
  >     * ^from.*fff
  >     * ^from.* and so on...
  >     {}
  >     :0 E
  >     # bounce

If you wish to keep a file of addresses (not regular expressions, but
literal strings), call it "accept", then the following recipe should do
what I think you are attempting:

  * ! ? fgrep -s -f accept

If you wish to use regular expressions instead of strings, then use
"egrep" instead (but be sure to use regular expressions):

  * ! ? egrep -s -f accept
