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Force Bourne shell? Was: Undefined 'term' problem

1996-10-17 17:14:36
"tigger" <bbousman(_at_)munin(_dot_)sdc(_dot_)rockwell(_dot_)com> writes:
Thanks to all the people who found my problem which is fixed
by putting  SHELL=/bin/sh  in my .procmailrc file.  It's nice
it was a simple problem for a change.

I've seen enough of these problems where SHELL != /bin/sh, that I
went ahead and put SHELL=/bin/sh in PRESTENV in config.h:

#define PRESTENV        {"IFS","ENV","PWD","SHELL=/bin/sh",DEFPATH,0}

That may someday surprise someone here, but I still think it leads to
the expected behavior in more cases then not.  Does anyone else out there
think that this is a good idea and should be encouraged in the source,
or am I just being a Bourne shell fascist?

Philip Guenther

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