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Re: Only doing stuff for one recipe

1996-11-27 02:29:33

Done what you've said below, but it still only executes for the first 
recipe it encounters. At present the .procmailrc is:

=== .procmailrc
* ^Subject:.*Air Quality Bulletin
| /home/dill/isps/src/air/do_level > 
* ^Subject:.*Air Quality Bulletin
| /home/dill/isps/src/air/do_quality > 

=== Log
procmail: [14163] Wed Nov 27 09:18:16 1996
procmail: Match on "^Subject:.*Air Quality Bulletin"
procmail: Executing " /home/dill/isps/src/air/do_level > 
procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER= /home/dill/isps/src/air/do_level > 
From procmail  Wed Nov 27 09:18:15 1996
 Subject:  Air Quality Bulletin
  Folder:  /home/dill/isps/src/air/do_level > 
/home/dill/isps/src/air/O    8183


Any ideas, Karl? Anyone?

P> 1) The 'hb' flags, when combined, do nothing.  Take them both out.

P> 2) You have the 'f' flag on those recipes, which means that procmail is
P> expecting the actions to be outputing mail messages.  They don't, so you
P> shouldn't be putting the 'f' flag on the recipe.

   Sorry, my bad.  I just copied one of the recipes I use when I send 
   directly to a perl script.  I wrote that about 2 procmail versions ago, so 
   should probably change it in my .procmailrc as well.

  _   _
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