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new user question...

1996-12-05 13:58:17
I've finally been bombarded by one too many pieces of spam, and am turning to
procmail to help. I have a basic responser in place, based on the vacation
script in procmailex(5).

What I'd like to do, though, is expand on that. I'm keeping a file of the
return addresses of spammers. I use

:0 Wh: spam.lock
* !^X-Loop: cak
| formail  -rD 8192  ${HOME}/spam.cache

 :0 e           # if the name was not in the cache
 | (formail -r                          \
      -A"To: postmaster(_at_)${SITE}"        \
      -A"Precedence: junk"              \
      -A"X-Loop: cak";                  \
    cat $HOME/misc/text/spamContract.1 ; \
   ) | $SENDMAIL -oi -t

to send back a message the first time. That all works fine.

What I want to do now is send an escalation message if I get spam from them
again. I tried adding

 :0 E           # if the name *was* in the cache
 | (formail -r                          \
        -A"To: postmaster(_at_)${SITE}"      \
        -A"X-Loop:cak"                  \
        -A"Cc: cak";
    echo "Thank you for agreeing to the terms of my contract";  \
   ) | $SENDMAIL -oi -t

immediately after the above, but I can't get it to trigger. The documentation
for the E flag seems to indicate that this is the way to use it ... what am I


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