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scored weighting, and aborting questions.

1997-01-10 14:00:43

I have some (probably basic) questions.

1.) I read the entire procmailsc man page. While there is a lot
about  putting together rules, the actual acceptance criteria
is NOT listed! Is it a score that is positive, or negative,
or over a certain value? Can I set that value?
How would I use the $= withing procmail (or would I have  to
pass it to another program) to use it's value?

2.) I tried LOG="I received a letter" placed in part of
a rule, to update the logs when a certain non-delivery rule
is invocked. It then places the letter in a file named, joy
of joys, 'LOG=I received a letter'. How can I make it
USE the LOG command instead of file into it?

3.) In the same fashion, how to I get it to ABORT or 
INTERRUPT in a rule, rather than put it in a file
name "INTERRUPT"? If the letter is forged, will sendmail
(not using procmail as the default delivery agent in this case)
bounce it correctly to the originator? If procmail is the
default senmail delivery agent, will it bounce it correctly
then on an ABORT?

4.) How would I put together a rule to bounce email sent to
20 or more addresses? So far I have:
 * 1^1 @
 (and then something like) if $= > 20
 ABORT (or whatever)


Mail: kmarsh(_at_)charm(_dot_)net             | Edit a binary .INI file, then 
WWW: | me that UNIX is too complicated.