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Re: Please help with $MATCH

1997-01-11 11:11:23
[Mailed and mailed.]

On Sat, 11 Jan 1997 08:49:56 -0800, Bill Moseley <moseley(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com>
wrote on Procmail-L:
* ^Subject: *BOUNCE.*\[\/[^]]+
which set MATCH to everything between the pair of '[' and ']'.
They ought to teach regular expressions in primary school.

Definitely. :-)

So why don't I need ".*" to catch all the chars between the "\/" and the
"]"?  Is that a function of $MATCH or just a part of regular expressions (I
say $MATCH because anything past the "\/")?

What the current regexp says: 

    ^        Beginning of line
    Subject: The string "Subject:"
     *       Optional spaces (zero or more)
    BOUNCE   The string "BOUNCE"
    .*       Optional characters, zero or more of any char
    \[       The string "["
    \/       Placeholder for $MATCH
    [^]]+    One or more of any character except "]"

So this will actually match +up+ +to+ the last character +before+ the
"]" character. 
  Note that the "+" after the character class [^]] means almost the
same as the "*" you're wondering about. So the expression "[^]]+"
matches roughly the same string as ".*" except it won't accept a
closing brace and it wants at least one character, instead of zero or

And why don't I need to escape the "]" as in

You rarely need backslashes inside character classes. In a regular
expression, most things inside a [] are just themselves, not magical.
(The exceptions to this rule is that the negation operator ^ is
special immediately after the opening brace and the range operator -
is special between two other characters. If you want them literally,
you put them somewhere where they are not special. [-^] matches either
a minus or a caret. [^-] might mean any character except minus. And
thus [^--^] would match any character +not+ between minus and caret in
the ASCII set [which in fact excludes a lot of characters, among them
all the uppercase ones; minus is character number 45 and caret is 94
-- the full range of printing characters is 32 to 127].)

Sincerely, and regexp impared,

Any good beginners' book on Unix will contain a regexp tutorial. 
If you're too smart for one of the "Unix for the terminally
illitterate" type of books, check out O'Reilly's books. I can also
recommend Kernighan/Pike: _The Unix Programming Environment_ (altho
it's pretty old), Prentice Hall, 1984.

Hope this helps,

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