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Re: Wierd regex Behavior

1997-01-15 04:47:44
On Tue, 14 Jan 1997 14:44:01 -0500 (EST), "James V. Di Toro III"
<karrde(_at_)gats(_dot_)hampton(_dot_)va(_dot_)us> wrote:
     I'm trying to filter out the Re: in front of mails and am getting
problems.  The following recipie wont work:

At least for Usenet messages, the only thing you're supposed to add to
the Subject line in a followup are the exact "four characters 'Re: '",
case being significant as far as I can tell.
  Of course, there are a lot of software for plastic computers written
by the likes of the Redmond illitterates which doesn't conform to this
convention, but I'd start worrying about the broken cases when I
encounter them. (Two variations I recall offhand are "RE> " and "RE:".
I believe newer versions of Microsoft Internet Mail will have been
fixed, but don't count on it :-)

/* era */

 % grep ^recip[ie] /usr/dict/words

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