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Re: get the subject as a variable for an condition

1997-02-03 09:26:07
At 02:13 PM 2/3/97 +0100, you wrote:
i have procmail installed on a unix system.

and now I want to get the subject into a variable and use 
that variable as an input of an condition such as mkdir variable.

How can i get the subject in that variable and how do i use that

This is how you put it into a variable:

        SUBJ=`$FORMAIL -zx 'Subject: '`

It can now be used a standard variable ($SUBJ).  As far as using it as a
variable, the MAN pages have examples on that.

You could do something like this as far as using it in a variable:

        SUBJ=`$FORMAIL -zx 'Subject: '`

        * ^From.*lamer
        | mkdir $SUBJECT

Tim <bodysurf(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com>                          
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