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Re: Syntax of scoring command negation

1997-02-06 20:50:29
At 10:19 AM 2/6/97 -0600, Philip Guenther wrote:

[most of BNF snipped]

condition ::= NUMBER "^" NUMBER condition
          | "!" condition
          | "$" condition
          | VAR "??" condition
          | "?" COMMAND
          | REGEXP
          | ">" NUMBER
          | "<" NUMBER

Sorry if I'm not an expert at BNF grammar, but doesn't this mean that:

   1^1 1^2 ! $ 2^0 VAR1 ?? VAR2 ?? 1^3 $ ! 2^2 2^1 REGEXP

would be a valid condition?  Is it?  (I missed it in the examples  :)

Stan (stanr(_at_)tiac(_dot_)net)

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