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Re: procmail script?

1997-03-25 04:24:57
era eriksson <reriksso(_at_)cc(_dot_)helsinki(_dot_)fi> writes:

] appreciated.  I'd also like to be able to filter a single message.
] Sometimes a message I didn't want in my mailbox gets through the
] filter anyway, and I have to update .procmailrc to catch it.  When I
] used the elm "filter" command I could just say "|filter" in emacs
] after the update to send the errant message on its way.

If that worked, have you tried "|procmail"? I'm unsure what you expect
to accomplish by this. (If you keep read messages in the spool, of
course, you might want to reprocess the spool this way? Just save the
above script and run it, from within Emacs if you wish. [If that's GNU
Emacs and you called the script "runproc", that would be Esc ! runproc])

Thanks for the replies, I believe my problem was in my .procmailrc,
but I'm still looking for time to check into this.  I use vm, which
moves the messages from the spool to ~/INBOX, so from the vm buffer I
do indeed just want to run "|procmail".  The reason I wasn't sure this
would work is because the command line in .forward is so odd looking
-- but not that odd looking now that I've looked at it for a couple of
days.  And then it hung (according to my CPU usage meter) which
reinforced my concerns.  What I'm hoping to accomplish is, for example,
to move a message already in ~/INBOX to ~/Mail/bozo, or to post it to
my private bozo newsgroup, after .procmailrc has been updated to
reflect the bozo-ness of the sender.
David Fox            xoF divaD
NYU Media Research Lab   fox(_at_)cat(_dot_)nyu(_dot_)edu    baL hcraeseR aideM 

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