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Re: auto-replying -- sending back the _headers_

1997-03-27 01:25:01
Roy Rapoport writes on 26 March 1997 at 19:52:15

On March 26, 1997, "Timothy J. Luoma" <luomat(_at_)peak(_dot_)org> said:

I am helping a few people debug their sendmail configs.  They are  
trying to make sure all their headers are in the right order, etc.

I would like to be able to setup a thing where they could send me a  
message with a certain subject and get an automated response -- but  

Here's my uses an alias I call "loopback".

------------------- message is author's opinion only ------------------
J. Daniel Smith <DanS(_at_)bristol(_dot_)com>
Bristol Technology B.V.                   +31 33 450 50 50, ...51 (FAX)
Amersfoort, The Netherlands               {info,jobs}(_at_)bristol(_dot_)com
# J. Daniel Smith
# 1 May 1996
# loopback.rc - bounce a message back to the sender

##### Initial setup needed for *all* procmail invokations


# log everything verbosely, since I want to see how all this works
# this needs to be near the beginning of the file to turn logging on ASAP

# define the local top-level domain and fully-qualified domain names

##### Extract/generate interesting mail headers
# get the date in RFC822 format for insertion into some messages;
# the "Resent-Date:" field is copied from the "Date:" field on some systems.
# RFC1123 says "All mail software SHOULD use 4-digit years in dates..."
# sun4 doesn't recognize all "date" flags
#year=`date '+%y'`
#DATE=`cent=19; if [ $year -lt 70 ]; then cent=20; fi; date "+%a, %d %h $cent%y 
%T EST"`
DATE=`date '+%a, %d %h %Y %H:%M:%S %Z'`

# prevent mail loops

# large messages are simply bounced back; 69 = EX_UNAVAILABLE
TRAP="exit 69;"
* > 7000

|(formail -rt \
          -I "Reply-To: Postmaster(_at_)$DOMAIN" \
          -I 'Precedence: junk' \
          -I 'MIME-Version: 1.0' \
          -I 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="-- next item ----"'; \
  echo "This is the preamble of an RFC-1521 encoded, mixed message."; \
  echo "---- next item ----"; \
  echo "Content-Type: text/plain"; \
  echo "Context-Description: bristol.txt"; \
  echo ""; \
  echo "Your message was received at $DOMAIN on $DATE"; \
  echo "Bristol Technology is the leading supplier of cross-platform"; \
  echo "development solutions, including Wind/U, HyperHelp and XPrinter."; \
  echo "For details, visit our WWW site at";; \
  echo ""; \
  if [ "$HOST" != "" ]; then \
    echo "This machine ($HOST) is located at the Bristol offices:"; \
  else \
    echo "This machine ($HOSTNAME) is located at the Bristol offices:"; \
  fi; \
  echo "41.28N -73.45W; 241 Ethan Allen Hwy, Ridgefield, CT; +1 203 438 6969"; \
  echo ""; \
  echo "Questions about this message should be sent to 
postmaster(_at_)$DOMAIN"; \
  echo "---- next item ----"; \
  echo "Content-Type: message/rfc822"; \
  echo "Context-Description: bounce.txt"; \
  echo ""; \
  formail -I "From " < $MAILDIR/$LASTFOLDER; \
  echo "---- next item ------"; \

# don't want to save any messages away