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Re: Odd error.

1997-03-29 10:39:15
At 01:48 PM 3/28/97 -0600, David W. Tamkin wrote:

[mostly snipped]

Longer messages are more likely to run into this problem than shorter ones.
Since, in fact, procmail shouldn't even waste effort writing the text to
the command, you can reduce the load by telling it to write only the head
(or only the body if typically this recipe gets called for mail with short

 |echo $VAR8 lines, `/usr/local/gnu/bin/date +'%e/%m/%y, %k:%M'`, $VAR9, \
   $VAR10 | gzip >> log.gz

Can't one avoid writing *any* of the header or body?  Something like:

  :0c:log.gz.lock  # now I think you need to name the lock
     JUNK="`/usr/local/gnu/bin/date +'%e/%m/%y, %k:%M'`"
     JUNK="`echo $VAR8 lines, $JUNK, $VAR9, $VAR10 | gzip >> log.gz`"

or am I missing something?  (Quite possible  :)


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