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Re: Add Header ...

1997-04-07 14:51:00
On Mon, 07 Apr 1997 16:34:15 -0400, Stan Ryckman
<stanr(_at_)sunspot(_dot_)tiac(_dot_)net> wrote:

At 06:56 PM 4/7/97 GMT, e8426314(_at_)stud1(_dot_)tuwien(_dot_)ac(_dot_)at 


:0h                            # this doesn't add the -A-Headers!
* !^X-Loop: tgyoeroe(_at_)sampo(_dot_)nt(_dot_)tuwien(_dot_)ac(_dot_)at
| (formail -X From: -X Subject: -A"Sender: procmail 
<tgyoeroe(_at_)nt(_dot_)tuwien(_dot_)ac(_dot_)at>" -A"Precedence: junk" ; \
echo "Bad FROM... --- dumped into SPAMFILE!" \
) | $SENDMAIL -oi e8426314(_at_)stud1(_dot_)tuwien(_dot_)ac(_dot_)at

Don't you need a space after the -A occurrences?  My man page says so.
Note that you have a space after the two -X's and those worked.

No, it doesn't work either with or without space.

Besides, I am running "procmail v3.11pre4 1995/10/29" on a HP-UX
A.09.05 A 9000/715 ...

-> Thomas Gyoeroeg <tgyoeroe(_at_)nt(_dot_)tuwien(_dot_)ac(_dot_)at>

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