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Re: Dekoding eight-bit characters in headers

1997-04-19 17:18:00
Robin S Socha <uzs8kb(_at_)uni-bonn(_dot_)de> writes:
On Fri, 18 Apr 1997, Philip Guenther wrote:
I seem to be one of the lucky few that never get to enjoy the interesting
recipes ;-/

 >If you don't have libwww, just perl5, then the following _should_ work:
 >:0 fh
 >* =\?ISO-8859-[0-9]+\?Q\?
 >|perl -pe 's#=\?ISO-8859-\d+\?Q\?(.*?)\?=#$s=$1; $s=~s/\s+(\r?\n)/$1/g; \
 >       $s=~s/=\r?\n//g; $s=~s/=([\da-fA-F]{2})/pack("C", hex($1))/ge; \
 >       $s#ge;'

Change that to:

    :0 fh
    * =\?ISO-8859-[0-9]+\?Q\?
    |perl -pe 's#=\?ISO-8859-\d+\?Q\?(.*?)\?=#$s=$1; $s=~s/\s+(\r?\n)/$1/g;' \
           -e '$s=~s/=\r?\n//g; $s=~s/=([\da-fA-F]{2})/pack("C", hex($1))/ge;' \
           -e '$s#ge;'

I've actually tested that, and it works.

Philip Guenther

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