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Re: My last email...

1997-04-26 23:43:00
Thanks!  I'll try...

At 11:11 PM 4/26/97 -0700, Tim wrote:
Followup info:  This is the version I have:

bolero:~% procmail -v
procmail v2.81 1993/02/19 written and created by Stephen R. van den Berg


This is one of those problems that makes you pull your hair out.

The short explanation:  I am trying to get Procmail to forward email to
certain persons that are on the subject line.

What is happening:  Instead of the mail forwarding out, it is being placed
in a mail folder called "*" and the log file reads:

procmail: Notified comsat: "@8974:/we/home/gweb/Mail/*"
procmail: Skipped "^To.*chris"
procmail: Opening "*"
From - Sat Apr 26 16:37:31 1997
 Subject: another?
  Folder: *

It appears that it had a problem with the part of the .procmailrc that I

 * ^To.*chris
 ! champton(_at_)voy(_dot_)net

I have tested over and over and it appears that I have everything correct --
I don't know what is wrong.  Please assist.

The problem (I believe) is you are using "newer" ProcMail syntax with an
older version of ProcMail.  Under the older version of ProcMail you are
using, the "zero" on the first line of the recipe tells ProcMail that the
action line immediately follows the first line of the recipe.  So
ProcMail, as you discovers sees that line '* ^To.*chris' and parses it.
It stores the email in the file '*' and the rest that follows is garbage
AFA ProcMail is concerned.  You can get the recipe to work by doing the
following -- by implicitly telling ProcMail that there is exactly ONE
condition line (rather than ZERO):

      * ^To.*chris
      ! champton(_at_)voy(_dot_)net

Or better yet, upgrade to the latest ProcMail and the earlier recipe
syntax should work.

See Philip G. & Dattier?  :^)  The time you spend to answer questions
isn't a total waste (read: I had a similar problem and they helped me out,
and now I am [trying to] returning the favor).

Tim <bodysurf(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com>                  
Finger "bodysurf(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com" for my PGP public key (KeyID 09DA5C49).
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- Chris                 

chris(_at_)globweb(_dot_)com - Global Web Enterprises (web design)        

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