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Re: Carbon copy for each TO

1997-04-30 10:21:00
Axel Thimm <thimm(_at_)physik(_dot_)fu-berlin(_dot_)de> writes:
I am trying to set up some complicated (for me) procmail rules. I'd like to
have a copy of a mail sent to a couple of persons in every persons folder. If
this fails, then it should be put in a folder default (The mail is from an
"unknown" person). If at least one copy has been saved, then I don't want it
in default.

The problem is how to make procmail remember it did deliver something? The use
of c makes procmail forget about it.

Well, though it continues, it does remember: whenever procmail invokes
a delivering recipe (regardless of whether there's a 'c' flag on it),
procmail sets the LASTFOLDER variable to the location/program to which
it delivered.  By testing that variable you can check to see whether
a delivery has taken place.

BTW: the 'c' flag goes _before_ the second colon, not after it.  Anything
after a second colon on the :0 line is treated as the name of a lockfile.

Anyway, the following should illustrate:

        # Clear the indication of whether delivery has taken place
        # (this is in case there are recipes with the 'c' flag above
        # this.

        :0 c:
        * ^TObob\>

        :0 c:
        * ^From.*\<bob\>

        :0 c:
        * ^TObill\>

        # If one of the previous 3 recipes was invoked, LASTFOLDER will
        # now be set.  To check that we use David Tamkin's ${LF+!}
        # trick:  if LASTFOLDER is set, ${LASTFOLDER+!} expands to a '!',
        # while if it's not set, it expands to nothing.  The condition
        # below will 'match' (be true) iff LASTFOLDER was set.  We'll
        # then drop the message as already handled, and let the rest of
        # the .procmailrc handle those messages which haven't already
        # been delivered, possibly via the implicit delivery to
        # $DEFAULT.  Yes, this is the reverse of what you originally
        # proposed, but it's usually more flexible this way.  Remember
        # that the null regexp always matches.
        * $ ! ${LASTFOLDER+!}
            # drop the message as already delivered

Philip Guenther

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