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Re: procmail / smail problem

1997-05-08 08:56:00
Hey Dave;

It has been quite a chore getting procmail to run at all here. 

What OS? I'm running BSDI 2.1k1 and procmail+smail was a one-day job..
It would've been nice for an EDITME-bsdi file to have been included for 
something newer than 1.1..  (procmail:3.10, smail:3.2)

No success
at all with the .forward hack; any time it is run, the mail goes to
"nobody."  Anyway I managed to get procmail running after finding a clue
and hacking /etc/smail/transports like this:

You shouldn't need the .forward hack; the smail transports file will
take care of beautifully. One thing you may find is that your transports
file is not where you think is. :)   To check it (and the rest of your
current config) do a smail -bP ALL and see where smail is looking for
your transports file.

The local transport you've got there looks the same as mine (which works);
you can double check it by looking through the 
~procmail-3.10/examples/advanced file. There is a section which talks about
configuratin with smail and gives a sample local transport.

At this point the hope is that I replaced my local delivery agent with
procmail.  Therefore, according to TFM, it should run if the user has a
.procmailrc file.  Those look like this:

What are the file permissions on those files? They should have been 
created with umask 022 for procmail to look at them, I think.. That would
make them -rw-r-r-.

Additionally, any attempt to run procmail with -m (filter mode) simply
hangs up and does not run.  I suspect more smail hacking is in order. well here. Are you running your filters from /etc/procmailrcs?


Wesley W. Garland       | ISO: FM-Synth Patches/Editors, pref DX-100
Queen's University      |                   -=<>=-
CISC Department         |    I feel like my life is just a little 
Kingston, ON, Canada    |   umop apisdn * upside down * umop apisdn

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