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Re: Procmail as a LMDA on SOLARIS

1997-05-15 17:46:00
Burnt Norton <bnorton(_at_)mastaler(_dot_)com> writes:
I've been inspired by some of the posts I've read here to try procmail out
as an integrated local mail delivery on our mailserver.  Our mailserver is
running SunOS 5.5.1 and has a shared /var/mail that a few sun
workstations (also running 5.5.1) have mounted over NFS.  I intend to use
procmail v3.11pre7 for this task.  The binary I just built will include
dotlocking, fcntl(), lockf() for locking strategies.  Our MTA is Berkeley
sendmail version 8.8.5.

First, some clarification on the installation process. The advanced file
in the examples directory says to move my current local mail delivery agent 
out of the way and link it to procmail.  The examples given are
/bin/mail, /bin/lmail, and /usr/lib/mail/mail.local.  Our solaris server
has a /bin/mail and a /usr/lib/mail.local - On solaris, which one is the
delivery agent, and which one should I replace with procmail?

Also, is inserting "FEATURE(local_procmail)" in the sendmail configuration
and generating a new file the only step needed as far as
sendmail goes?

If you do the "FEATURE(local_procmail)" change, then you don't need to
(and shouldn't) do the move-and-link bit in your previous paragraph,
as sendmail will just directly call procmail with the FEATURE.

Now, a couple of question on locking.  From the archives, I've noticed
some people are having trouble with lockf()-style locking under Solaris.
I want to avoid those troubles.  What is the definitive recommendation
on this issue?  Procmail picked this type of locking on install, so I
assume it needs it.  What is the way to go as far as dot-locking?

procmail can *always* do dot-locking, so don't worry about or try to
disable it.  As for lockf(), I wouldn't worry about it either way.

Philip Guenther

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