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Re: Wanted a procmailrc to resist spamming

1997-05-20 09:35:00
On Tue, 20 May 1997 10:49:08 -0400 (EDT), Lars Kellogg-Stedman
<lars(_at_)bu(_dot_)edu> wrote:
Alcor and Panix have spam detecting scripts available for public
I really like the Alcor setup, which fits nicely into my own procmail

Actually, the Concordia ("Alcor") script includes stuff from both
Panix and AOL. (This is especially nice for AOL since you'd otherwise
have to cook up your own PreferredMethod (tm) of stripping all that
ugly HTML from their file.)

Don Doumakes has created an email version of the Usenet Cancel Moose
called "NoCeM-E":

(Thanks for the pointer!)

I've combined several of these into a package called "SpamPack".  This
takes the lists from Alcor, Panix, and Aol (and the procmail script
generated by NoCeM-E, if available), and generates a series of procmail rc
files using a common method of tagging the spam.  A flexible script then
allows you to handle the spam in a variety of ways.  
While this package is not yet available for public distribution, I'd be
more than happy to pass a copy on to you.

Lars, make sure you let us know when it is ready for the Big Time,
will you? :-)

On a tangential note, while all this is fine and dandy, it will
probably be a good idea to think about some tactics of your own. If
two or three major recipe collections are used by most folks, it will
make a lot of sense to the spammers to make sure +their+ spam is not
caught by the Collected Wisdom of these publicly available filters.
Hence, it would be prudent to try to think up some creative blocks of
your own, and be a bit sparing about sharing them publicly. 

/* era */

Defin-i-t-e-ly. Sep-a-r-a-te. Gram-m-a-r.  <>
 * Enjoy receiving spam? Register at <>

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