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Re: Confusion over how to best append

1997-05-23 12:42:00
Timothy Luoma asked,

| I recently saw someone do this in a procmail recipe
| :0:
| * ^SomeHeader
| | $FORMAIL -A"X-SomeHeader: value" >> MailFolder
| whereas I was using this:
| :0
| * ^SomeHeader
| {
|       :0fhw
|       | $FORMAIL -A "X-SomeHeader: value"
|       :0:
|       MailFolder
| }

Both accomplish the same result.  My personal preference is a syntax
equivalent to the second one that Timothy listed:

  * conditions
  | filter

The first -- piping and appending -- requires forking a shell to handle
the redirection to a file.  The second (same for the third), according to
people who can read the source code, also requires a couple extra forks,
not just for the filtering program but [this is the part where I get lost]
for a subprocess to call it.

So it seems that the two are about the same amount of load.

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