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Re: Don't Pay for Advertising (fwd)

1997-05-26 07:49:00
At 9:47 AM +0100 5/26/97, Chris Bidmead wrote:

The "subscribers only" idea sounds reasonable (except that smart
spammers will then subscribe, won't they?)  Whether that gets
implemented is up to the moderator.
  Actually there is a major move to implement 'subscriber' only controls on
most lists. The latest versions of majordomo/listserv programs have this.

Meanwhile, why not regard the
odd spam collected here as a valuable resource, raw material for
your own experiments in despamming?
  I do, but then people say I'm really strange. (btw, my filters have
gotten all most all the e-SPAMs that have came through the list.


Ralph Lindberg N7BSN       <n7bsn(_at_)callsign(_dot_)net>
RV and Camping FAQ <>
Just because MS-Window's holds 90% of the market doesn't mean it's
superior.  Remember 90% of all animals are insects.
  A proud member of the Netscum list (

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