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Re: using sed to snip signatures

1997-06-12 13:46:00
Paul O Bartlett <pobart(_at_)access(_dot_)digex(_dot_)net> writes:
    I fear that it is that trailing blank on '-- ' which is its own
undoing.  And considering that so few people even *know* about the 
'-- ' convention in the first place, I consider it to be obsolete and

*Really* poor excuse. I haven't heard anybody complain that inserting "-- "
at the right place has ever hurt them. The question that was asked wasn't
"should you ignore whatever follows '-- \n' ?" but was "should you try to add
'-- \n' so as to allow those people in the know to maybe deal intelligently
with signatures ?". You have given arguments for maybe answering no to the
first question, but it has no bearing on the second.

So please, add a '-- \n' before your sig, so that we can read it only if we
want to. I promise: it won't hurt !


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