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Re: Problem with LOGging, and assorted procmail questions

1997-06-13 00:31:00
On Fri, 13 Jun 1997 00:19:48 GMT, cicho(_at_)free(_dot_)polbox(_dot_)pl wrote:
Thank you, that's quite useful indeed. One question, though: how
does procmail distinguish between the '\/' token that "splits" the
expression, as in your example, and the escaped slash, as in

     * http:\/\/

- or is such a distinction irrelevant altogether?

It's not "irrelevant". An unescaped slash is a slash and matches
(exactly) a slash. An escaped slash is the \/ token and doesn't match
anything at all (but does have some interesting side effects). 
  Compare to other backslashed specials such as \< -- without the
slash, it matches <; with the slash, it matches other things too.
  I would think the effect of having two \/:s would best be described
as "undefined" but I haven't checked in the source.

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