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Re: Return addresses

1997-06-25 00:30:00
On Tue, 24 Jun 1997 13:09:24 -0700 (PDT), bodysurf(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com (Tim)
* ! ? echo $FROM | $GREP -v -F -i $PMDIR/friendlygather
* ^TO_bts8\>
I see a few (potential) errors -- perhaps they are typos (in the second
and third condition line) which I've corrected.  First, don't invert the
exitcode on the second condition line (can you invert an exitcode
result with a '!'?) while you are inverting the `grep`; it will not give

(Sure you can, but I'll agree that this was probably not what he wanted.)

you what you want.  Second, I don't see why you are wanting to match the
character before or after the word 'bts8' -- isn't that included in the
"^TO_" macro?:

No, the stuff after the string is not controlled in any way by the
macro. (That's what macro means, generally -- it simply expands to a
more complicated regular expression.) So without the \> there is
nothing to stop it from matching on bts80, bts81, bts8andcounting etc.
  If you only expected mail from outside users you could use bts8@ but
if you receive local mail, it will simply be To: bts8 without any
@domain part.


I think this should also have an :i flag, i.e. :0ci:

     * !^FROM_DAEMON
     * ? echo $FROM | $GREP -v -F -i $PMDIR/friendlygather
     * ^TO_bts8
     | echo $FROM >> $PMDIR/friendlygather

Hope this helps,

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