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$MATCH w/o using internal egrep

1997-06-28 09:27:00
Hello (it's me again) -

Next on my to-do list is setting up a bozo filter, because the current
recipe contains an "or'ed" regexp which is getting too long to manage.
I would like to use some form of the filter (which has been suggested
here by Philip and others) which uses formail to select which header
lines to search and pipes the output to fgrep for use with the bozo
filter.  However I would also like to log $MATCH until I'm sure it's
doing what is expected, but have never seen any recipes which used
$MATCH with anything other than the internal egrep.  Can this be done,
or does the "\/" token and $MATCH only work with the internal egrep?


 - Don

 Donald E. Hammond
 deh(_at_)openix(_dot_)com  (preferred)

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