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Re: VARIABLE=result of sed?

1997-07-13 18:39:00
Mitsuru Furukawa <furu(_at_)009(_dot_)com> writes:
I want to extract header part and sed it and put into $HEAD.
So I wrote:

  HEAD=`$FORMAIL -X "" |sed -e 's/</\&lt;/g'`

The log shows sed is working as expected, but $HEAD is empty.
So, I tried following recipe. 

  HEAD=|$FORMAIL -X "" |sed -e 's/</\&lt;/g'

It seems to be working, but I don't feel comfortable:-<
Please tell me the right way.
Or is it a right way?

An action that looks like

        variable=|some command here

is indeed the correct way to do it.  The procmailrc(5) manpage mentions
this in its description of the '|' action.  I'm assuming the "$HEAD"
on a line by itself is a typo, as procmail will just ignore this.  Indeed,
your logfile should mention so.

Also, the 'c' flag is not needed on this recipe.  If it was, what would be
the purpose of a variable capture recipe without it?

Philip Guenther

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