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Re: Brain dead Re^2 killer?

1997-07-24 16:42:00
On Thu, 24 Jul 97, process(_at_)qz(_dot_)little-neck(_dot_)ny(_dot_)us (Eli the 
Bearded) wrote:

# Filter "Re[5]:"/"Re^3:" and the like out of Subject:
*  ^Subject: *((Re: ?)*Re[[^]|Re: *Re:)
| perl -pe 's/^subject:\s*(?:re[][^\d]*:\s*)+/Subject: Re: /i;'

Yes, this looks like it would solve my problem. But there seems to be a  
problem. From my log file:

procmail: Match on "^Subject: *((Re: ?)*Re[[^]|Re: *Re:)"
procmail: Executing " perl -pe 's/^subject:\s*(?:re[][^\d]*:\s*)+/Subject: Re: 
/^subject:\s*(?:re[][^\d]*:\s*)+/: ?+* follows nothing in regexp at  
/tmp/perl-e003860 line 1.

Any idea what's happening? I'm not versed in perl. This is on FreeBSD  
2.2-Stable, Procmail 3.11p7, perl 4.0.

There's one other problem that this script could tackle. My mail reader also  
has trouble sorting with "RE: " in stead of "Re: ". But maybe that's better  
dealt with in a separate recipe, as it would need to be case sensitive.


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