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Re: setting up autoresponder/archive server

1997-08-02 08:47:00
Quoting Tim Messer (ressem(_at_)imsa(_dot_)edu):
I'm interested in running an autoresponder/archive server using procmail.
The procmail man pages weren't much of a help, and neither were some of
the FAQs I found.

Someone already posted a recipie that will work if only want to
allow access to specific files. If you want people to be able
to allow people to access any arbitrary file from a particular
directory use this recipie (from the procmailex man page...)

       Now follows an example for a very simple fileserver acces-
       sible by mail.  For more demanding applications, I suggest
       you  take  a  look  at  SmartList (available from the same
       place as the  procmail  distribution).   As  listed,  this
       fileserver  sends  back  at  most one file per request, it
       ignores the body of incoming mails, the Subject: line  has
       to  look  like "Subject: send file the_file_you_want" (the
       blanks are significant), it does  not  return  files  that
       have names starting with a dot, nor does it allow files to
       be retrieved that are  outside  the  fileserver  directory
       tree  (if  you decide to munge this example, make sure you
       do not inadvertently loosen this last restriction).

              * ^Subject: send file [0-9a-z]
              * !^X-Loop: yourname(_at_)your(_dot_)main(_dot_)mail(_dot_)address
              * !^Subject:.*Re:
              * !^FROM_DAEMON
              * !^Subject: send file .*[/.]\.
                MAILDIR=$HOME/fileserver # chdir to the fileserver directory

                :0 fhw                   # reverse mailheader and extract name
                * ^Subject: send file \/[^ ]*
                | formail -rA "X-Loop: 

                FILE="$MATCH"            # the requested filename

                :0 ah
                | cat - ./$FILE 2>&1 | $SENDMAIL -oi -t

Michael Stone, Sysadmin, ITRI     PGP: key 1024/76556F95 from mit keyserver,
mstone(_at_)itri(_dot_)loyola(_dot_)edu            finger, or email with 
"Subject: get pgp key" 

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