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Re: pattern matching on INCLUDERC?

1997-08-03 10:12:00
Timothy Luoma sha'al,

| Is there any way to get either of these (or something like them) to work:
| INCLUDERC=$PROCDIR/rcfiles/*.rc

Procmail can't glob the asterisk; it will substitute the value of the
variable but that's all it can do.  Thus, ...

| I get:
| procmail: Couldn't read "/nfs/users/u5/l/luomat/.procmail/rcfiles/*"
| procmail: Couldn't read "/nfs/users/u5/l/luomat/.procmail/rcfiles/*.rc"
| when I try to use them....


| The idea, of course, is that I could just drop-in/remove rc files into that  
| directory if/when needed

You could do this:

 INCLUDERC=`echo $PROCDIR/rcfiles/*.rc`

That will spawn a shell because of the asterisk, but you need that shell,
even if there is an executable in $PATH named echo, in order to glob the
asterisk.  (To come full circle, that's why the asterisk is in $SHELLMETAS
and makes procmail spawn a shell.)

Still, there may be trouble if the shell finds more than one matching
filename.  How to select the right one if that happens is another problem.

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