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Re: Feature request: dual logs

1997-08-06 01:01:00
On Tue,  5 Aug 97 22:52:45 -0400,
Timothy J Luoma <luomat+procmail(_at_)luomat(_dot_)peak(_dot_)org> wrote:
I don't think this is currently possible but would like to see it:
one log for my nice little 'logabstract' information, and another for the  
output of the verbose log for debugging.... a regular log and a debug log.

Another case for using make. Set up a Makefile to extract the info you
want from the verbose log into a slim log. (You can of course run this
outside of make, but it provides a nice framework for these things.)

/* era */

# Append abstract from present log to slim.log; truncate fat log
slim.log: procmail.log
        mv -f $< .$<
        sed -n '/^(From| Subject:|  Folder:) /p' .$< >>$@
        rm .$<

Defin-i-t-e-ly. Sep-a-r-a-te. Gram-m-a-r.  <>
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